Course Content
Module-1: Overview of Course & Instructor Guidance
- Chapter 1:Overview of Course & Instructor Guidance
Essential of Design By Analysis & Finite Element Analysis
Module 2: Pressure Vessel & Design By Analysis Overview
- Chapter 2: Introduction to Pressure Vessel and Design By Analysis
- Chapter 3: ASME Section VIII Division 2 Stress Analysis Overview
Module 3: Essentials of Design By Analysis
- Chapter 4: Introduction to Stress Categorization & Limits of Equivalent Stress
- Chapter 5: Introduction to Stress Linearization
- Chapter 6: Material Properties Extraction from ASME Section 2 Part D
- Quiz on Essentials on Design By Analysis
Module 4: Essentials of Finite Element Analysis
- Chapter 7: Overview of ANSYS Mechanical
- Chapter 8: FE Analysis Guidelines for process equipment’s
- Chapter 9: Half Symmetry, Quarter Symmetry condition analysis
- Chapter 10: Types of supports in pressure vessel, Fixed Support, Frictionless Support, Cylindrical Support, Elastic Support, Compression Only Support
- Chapter 11: As per Reviewers Request
Module 5: CAD Geometry Editing and Modeling
- Chapter 12: Midsurface and Shell Weld creation for Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 13: Vertical Pressure Vessel Modeling
- Chapter 14: Horizontal Pressure Vessel Modeling
- Chapter 15: How to create Repad and Welds
- Chapter 16: Torispherical Head to Shell Junction
- Quiz on CAD Topics
Module 6: FEA Model Creation (Meshing)
- Chapter 17: Horizontal Pressure vessel Meshing (Quarter Model)
- Chapter 18: Heat Exchanger (Nozzle, Shell, Tubes, Tubesheet, Saddle & Head) Meshing
- Quiz on Meshing
Protection Against Plastic Collapse
Module 7: Elastic Stress Analysis Method
- Chapter 19: Introduction to Elastic Stress Analysis Method
- Chapter 20: Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 21: Example-2, Nozzle in Cylindrical Shell & Nozzle Shell Junction
- Chapter 22: Example-3, Vertical Pressure Vessel Shell Approach
- Chapter 23: Example-4, Shell and Tube type Heat Exchanger Analysis
- Quiz on Elastic Stress Analysis Method
Module 8: Limit Load Analysis Method
- Chapter 24: Introduction to Limit Load Analysis
- Chapter 25: Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 26: Example-2, Torispherical Head knuckle Nozzle junction
- Quiz on Limit Load Analysis Method
Module 9: Elastic Plastic Analysis Method
- Chapter 27: Introduction to Elastic Plastic Analysis
- Chapter 28: Example-1, Axisymmetric Analysis of Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 29: Example-2, Vertical Pressure Vessel with Hemispherical Head & Skirt
- Quiz on Elastic Plastic Analysis Method
Protection Against Local Failure
Module 10: Protection Against Local Failure
- Chapter 30: Introduction to Protection Against Local Failure & Example 1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 31: Example-2, Nozzle in Cylindrical Shell
- Quizzes
Protection Against collapse From Buckling
Module 11: Protection Against collapse from buckling
- Chapter 32: Introduction to Protection Against collapse from buckling
- Chapter 33: Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 34: Example-2 As per Subscribers Request
- Quiz on Buckling
Protection Against Failure from Cyclic Loading
Module 12: Fatigue Analysis Concepts and Definitions
- Chapter 35: Introduction to Fatigue Analysis Concepts and Definitions
Module 13: Screening Criteria for Fatigue Analysis
- Chapter 36: Introduction to Screening Criteria For Fatigue Analysis- Method A & Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 37: Introduction to Screening Criteria For Fatigue Analysis- Method B + Example 1 Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel & Example 2 Eccentric Nozzle in Ellipsoid Head
Module 14: Fatigue Elastic Stress Analysis And Equivalent Stresses
- Chapter 38: Introduction to Fatigue Elastic Stress Analysis And Equivalent Stresses
- Chapter 38: Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 40: Example-2, Horizontal Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 41: Example-3, Thermo-structural Fatigue Analysis of Shell and tube type Heat Exchanger Analysis
Module 15: Fatigue Elastic-Plastic Analysis And Equivalent Strains
- Chapter 42: Introduction to Fatigue Elastic-Plastic Analysis And Equivalent Strains
- Chapter 43: Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 44: Example-2 As per Subscribers Request
Module 16: Fatigue Elastic Stress Analysis, and Structural Stress (Weld Fatigue)
- Chapter 45: Introduction to Fatigue Elastic Stress Analysis, and Structural Stress
- Chapter 46: Example-1, Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 47: Example-2, Nozzle in Cylindrical Shell
- Quiz on Fatigue Assessment
Protection Against Ratcheting
Module 17: Protection Against Ratcheting Using Elastic Stress Analysis
- Chapter 48: Introduction to Protection Against Ratcheting & Example 1, Axisymmetric Analysis of Vertical Pressure Vessel
Module 18: Protection Against Ratcheting Using Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis
- Chapter 49: Introduction to Protection Against Ratcheting Using Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis & Example-1 (Axisymmetric Vertical Pressure Vessel)
- Quiz on Ratcheting
Advanced Learning
Module 19: Miscellaneous examples
- Chapter 50: Seismic (Response spectrum) Analysis of Pressure Vessel
- Chapter 51: Anchor Qualification using Hilti Software
- Chapter 52: Flange analysis with hyper-elastic materials
- Chapter 53: Lifting Analysis of Distillation column
- Chapter 54: Heater box analysis
Module 20: Structural Analysis Report
- Chapter 55: Structural Analysis Report Writing